There is a lot of great acting in the Batman movies. It is a hallmark that separates these movies from the old crop of comic book movies, which may have been great in their own way, but the only important factor was the special effects and action.

Is the Dark Knight Franchise really over??? The Writer/ Director of the Dark Knight trilogy has stated unequivocally that he is done with Dark Knight movies. Without him returning it is doubtful that Christian Bale, Morgan Freeman, Anne Hathaway or any of the other regulars would return for another movie. But does that really mean Batman is done? The Studios love popular movies that make tons of money. It is hard to see them giving up on the Dark Knight franchise. But can these movies be any good without Christopher Nolan at the helm? It is hard to say but, without any spoilers, the Dark Knight trilogy came to a pretty conclusive ending in the movies. However, that doesn't mean the studios could not go on with the "Robin" storyline. OR tell a more in-depth, "Catwoman" story. OR even bring Batman back as an older man. Heck, studios do comic book character, "reboots" all the time, although that would seem like a sacrilege with a top-of-the-line movie like Dark Knight Rises.
Ann Hathaway: A great Catwoman
An example of this high level of acting is Christopher Noland recruiting some of the hottest talented young actors for this newest epic. Anne Hathaway, Joseph Gordon Levitt, Tom Hardy and Marion Cotillard add to a cast already studded with incredible acting.
That being said, I was particularly impressed by Anne Hathaway. I thought her catwoman was sexy,,,but strong. She was vulnerable, but tough and she was one of the few characters who could hold themselves up to Batman and actors Christian Bales long shadow and not wither.
Her performance was excellent and I hope they DO find a good director and give her a shot at a Catwoman movie. She is a busy actress, but she has certainly shown she is a woman worthy of the cat suit and worth of all the great women who have played catwoman over the years. She might even be the the best of this bunch.